Support Bridgett


Subscribe to Music & Portrait Art

BackRoom Subscription

  • A public thank you mentioning your name during livestreams and/or posted on social media
  • A personal voice message of appreciation direct to you
  • Exclusive subscriber-only content such as: 

 Secret songs not available on bandcamp, including songwriting process & raw recordings. Intimate portrait art (galleries spanning 2020- 2024 and on-going)

$30 twice a year

Studio Level Support

  • All Backroom Benefits listed above
  • Facetime with Bridgett twice during songwriting and/or recording sessions, be virtually in the room
  • Recognition on albums released during your subscription term


Sponsor Level Support


  • All Backroom Benefits listed above
  • Facetime with Bridgett twice during songwriting and/or recording sessions, be virtually in the room
  • Personal Meet and Greet in Raleigh, NC
  • Recognition on albums released during your subscription term


Executive Producer Level Support

  • All Backroom Benefits listed above
  • All Sponsor Level Benefits listed above
  • Recognition as “Executive Producer” on releases during your subscription term
