The Back Room Bxo the back room is an artist member-based creative space. $30 twice a year, what’s inside? member login A personal voice message of appreciation direct to youPhotographic playspace, Secret songs and Audio/Visual delights Access to the xo channel, you’ll be emailed how to log into the app for first listens of new songs, real-time photo shoots and more Exclusive subscriber-only content such as: Songs not available elsewhere, including songwriting process & raw recordings. Intimate portrait art (galleries spanning 2020- 2025 and on-going) should i contribute? love bridgett xo’s work? have a strong audio & visual artistic appetite? buy in receive your personal voice message hello within 3 days Member Login is Here for current members intimate portrait workgallery work spanning from 2020-2024 and on-goingraw, unpolished songs and wip and songwriting processsecret songsaudio-visual work backroom $30 entry